Making a Difference in Porterdale.

Our Mission

Gold Carbons is a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact on the Porterdale community. We believe that everyone deserves access to clean energy, healthy food, and educational opportunities.

Our 2024 Plans

In 2024, we are excited to announce two new projects that will benefit the Porterdale community:

Project 1: Solar Panel Benches for Yellow River Park

Yellow River Park is a beloved community space, but it lacks adequate seating and shade. To address this need, we will be installing solar panel benches that will provide both power and shade for park visitors.

Why are solar panel benches important?

  • They will provide clean energy to the park, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • They will provide shade for park visitors, making it more comfortable to enjoy the park during hot weather.
  • They will help to beautify the park and make it more inviting.


How can you help?

We are seeking donations to help us purchase and install the solar panel benches.

Project 2: Youth Gardening Program at the Porterdale Police Station

We are partnering with the Porterdale Police Department to create a youth gardening program at the police station. The program will teach youth the basics of gardening, as well as how to use technology to enhance their gardening experience.

What will youth learn in the program?

  • The basics of gardening, such as how to plant, water, and harvest crops.
  • How to use technology to track their progress and learn more about gardening.
  • The importance of healthy eating and nutrition.
  • The value of teamwork and community service.


Why is this program important?

  • It will teach youth valuable life skills.
  • It will encourage youth to make healthy choices.
  • It will help to beautify the police station and create a more positive environment for the community.


How can you help?

We are seeking volunteers to help us with the gardening program.

We also need donations of gardening supplies, such as seeds, plants, and tools.

Additional Ways to Help

In addition to our two main projects, we are always looking for ways to help the Porterdale community. Here are a few additional ways you can get involved:

  • Volunteer your time at one of our events.
  • Donate money to our general fund.
  • Spread the word about our organization and our work.


Your support can make a real difference in the lives of Porterdale residents.

Thank you for considering donating your time, money, or resources.

Together, we can make Porterdale a better place.

Please visit our website to learn more about our organization and our work. You can also follow us on social media for updates on our projects.

Thank you for your support!